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You are a woman of strength, courage and dignity; one who values herself and fights for what she believes in. A woman who will not give up on her dreams regardless of how many obstacles stand in the way. If that does not make you beautiful then I don’t know what does.
-- Anonymous
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Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.
-- Anonymous
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Knowing that I have friends who appreciate and love me, it’s the best feeling. Thank you to all of my lovely friends who sent their warmest and thoughtful wishes on my birthday. You guys are wonderful.
-- Anonymous
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Sometimes, the most meaningful things are found through silence.
-- Anonymous
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I absolutely love television, and I don't mean to be vulgar, but as I keep having to explain to people from the movie industry, I get more power and more money doing television, so why on earth would I do a film?
-- Steven Moffat
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