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Genius is talent set on fire by courage.
-- Vijayaraj
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Be proud of being a woman; proud of everything that comes in the package – including the mood swings of pms, the frustration of periods, the labour pains, everything. Along with the pms comes deeper understanding of yourself, your weaknesses and change to improve upon, along with periods comes on the other side the ability to conceive and labour pains culminate in something lot wonderful. Celebrate womanhood every single day! We are special, a God-made package filled so much with love, caring, understanding
-- Arti Honrao
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Live as if you were die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever- Mahatma Gandhi
-- Anonymous
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Your opinions are your symptoms. –
-- Tom Stoppard
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My father came homeScreaming everydayWondering why his house wasn’t cleanedHe threatened to hit me.And sliced me with his wordsI thought fathers were supposed toLove you and be there when you were downBut the only thing my fathers doneIs make me wish I was in the ground
-- Anonymous
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