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Forty is the old age of youth; fifty the youth of old age.
-- Victor Hugo
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My philosophy is that if I have any money I invest it in new ventures and not have it sitting around.
-- Richard Branson
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Music is the silence between the notes.
-- Claude Debussy
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Good nature is more agreeable in conversation than wit, and gives a certain air to the countenance which is more amiable than beauty
-- Joseph Addison
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Once we got to eating, the idea of happiness returned to me. Not the feeling, the idea. Would a regular girl be happy simply eating a hot meal with a great deal of chew to it? Maybe happiness is a simple thing. Maybe it's as simple as the salty taste of pork, and the vast deal of chewing in it, and how, when the chew is gone, you can still scrape at the bone with your bottom teeth and suck at the marrow.
-- Franny Billingsley
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Most of all, faith brings recognition that our quest never leads us to certainty. We are always uncertain, always in doubt that our way is God's way. That self-doubt makes it possible to be reconciled to one another. It is faith that makes the reconciling work of politics possible.
-- John Danforth
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I do believe there are things that we desire that are not in the cards. But more often than not, when people have a desire for a relationship and it's not happening, there are probably issues to be resolved and issues people could work on that would ultimately end in that desire being fulfilled.
-- Henry Cloud
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My father was an atheist and he always described himself as a Serb. OK, maybe we were Muslim for 250 years, but we were orthodox before that and deep down we were always Serbs, religion cannot change that. We only became Muslims to survive the Turks.
-- Emir Kusturica
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Society is held together by our need; we bind it together with legend, myth, coercion, fearing that without it we will be hurled into that void, within which, like the earth before the Word was spoken, the foundations of society are hidden.
-- James Arthur Baldwin
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Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.
-- Eleanor Roosevelt
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