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I wanted to show those characters discovering it is possible to find common ground, as they make their way through a plotline that I hope is engrossing enough to keep the reader a willing participant.
-- Joan D. Vinge
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The prospect of an early death sits differently upon each person. In some it gifts maturity far outweighing their age and experience: calm acceptance blossoms into a beautiful nature and soft countenance. In others, however, it leads to the formation of a tiny ice flint in their heart. Ice that, though at times concealed, never properly melts.Rose, though she would have liked to be one of the former, knew herself deep down to be one of the latter.
-- Kate Morton
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Action may not always bring happiness; but there is no happiness without action
-- Benjamin Disraeli
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More or Less Love Poems #11:No babeWe'd neverSwing together butthe syncopationwould be something wild
-- Diane di Prima
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Prettiness fades after a few years, but elegance only increases with age.
-- Anne Gracie
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Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it's less good than the one you had before. You can fight it, you can do nothing but scream about what you've lost, or you can accept that and try to put together something that's good.
-- Elizabeth Edwards (UK)
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Books don't offer real escape, but they can stop a mind scratching itself raw.
-- David Mitchell
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When has faith ever been about feelings?
-- Camy Tang
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The end of reading is not more books, but more life.
-- George Holbrook Jackson
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This is what I always wanted to do in my entire life, so I am not going to sit here and complain that it is so terrible to be in successful movies, because it becomes a trilogy!
-- Alyson Hannigan
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