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Jove strikes the Titans down Not when they set about their mountain-piling But when another rock would crown the work.
-- Robert Browning
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But I think there are a set of experiences that turn a potential writer into a working writer, and then there are places in your life were you start to recognize what you want to do.
-- Stephen King
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I've never really been a traditional country kind of guy. I wanted my music to sound more like the end of the '90s and to have the kind of great music, pop or whatever, that radio will embrace.
-- Bryan White
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Well, it was just, the bars was all just like the bamboo roofs and everything. You know. As I say, to me, it's completely spoiled all, all these places now. Make them all just tourist traps.
-- David Walker
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Aphorisms are the true form of the universal philosophy.
-- Friedrich Schlegel
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My faith is big enough to accept all of God's wonders.
-- Kirsten Miller
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Effective leadership is putting first things first. Effective management is discipline, carrying it out.
-- Stephen R. Covey
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What is most important for Europe is economic growth and jobs, security at home and safety in the world.
-- Peter Mandelson
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We hate it when our friends become successful.
-- Morrissey
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When you stand in the crowd,you stand like the cloud-baseless.But when you stand out of the crowd,you're 'out-standing' like the proud -limitless.Stand out to be 'out-standing
-- Emmanuel Aghado
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