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Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it’s all over.
-- Gloria Naylor
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Those truly linked don’t need correspondence. When they meet again after many years apart, their friendship is as true as ever.
-- Deng Ming-Dao
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Best friend is someone who loves you when you forget to love yourself.
-- Anonymous
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Though some days would not allow us to meet, the memories we share are the best thing.
-- Unknown
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No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other’s worth.
-- Robert Southey
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There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate.
-- Linda Grayson
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It’s not the length of time we knew someone that makes them so special. It’s what they brought into our lives.
-- Sandra Kring
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Everyone leave footprints in your memory, but the ones that leave footprints in your heart are the ones you will truly remember.
-- Ayshu
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Friendship isn't a big thing It's a million little things.
-- Anonymous
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I miss the days when we all were friends.
-- Anonymous
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