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It had an enormous impact to the point of the United Nations passing a resolution against the killing and hunting of these whales as they are an endangered species. This was a documentary on the plight of the whales.
-- Wavy Gravy
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We should so provide for old age that it may have no urgent wants of this world to absorb it from meditation on the next. It is awful to see the lean hands of dotage making a coffer of the grave.
-- Pearl S. Buck
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To keep the Golden Rule we must put ourselves in other people's places, but to do that consists in and depends upon picturing ourselves in their places.
-- Harry Emerson Fosdick
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Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.
-- Herman Hesse
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Any that is why I think any kind of a stimulus package is going to have to help people who are without work, without a job, help them have health insurance.
-- John Breaux
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Boy were we poor, if I wasn't born a boy I would of had nothing to play with.
-- Rodney Dangerfield
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Beauty and the Beast seemed like it all was really brown. The whole thing was just so brown and orange and yellow, like Burger King or something. I don't think I would have liked Beauty and the Beast at any age.
-- Mike Judge
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The days weren't long enough for the reading she wanted to do.
-- Alan Bennett
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A James Cagney love scene is one where he lets the other guy live.
-- Bob Hope
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But there are people who take salt with their coffee. They say it gives a tang, a savour, which is peculiar and fascinating. In the same way there are certain places, surrounded by a halo of romance, to which the inevitable disillusionment you experience on seeing them gives a singular spice. You had expected something wholly beautiful and you get an impression which is infinitely more complicated than any that beauty can give you. It is the weakness in the character of a great man which may make him less a
-- W. Somerset Maugham
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