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Supposedly, guys think about sex every eight seconds. If that's true, how can they talk to their grandmothers?
-- Jody Gehrman
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She looked at my calendar and wanted to know who JUNE was.
-- Rodney Dangerfield
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I loved Fred so, and I mean that in the nicest, warmest way: I had such affection for him artistically. I think that experience with Fred was a divine blessing. It blessed me, I know, and I don't think blessings are one sided.
-- Ginger Rogers
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You make a living by what you earn; you make a life by what you give.
-- Winston Churchill
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You are not permitted to suffer what others suffer, you are not permitted to fail or die young.
-- Jaachynma N.E. Agu
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Science teaches to think but love teaches to smile.
-- Santosh Kalwar
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Money is the kind of instrument which is very speedily produced.
-- Anatoly Chubais
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Not by age but by capacity is wisdom acquired.
-- Plautus
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I try to avoid experience if I can. Most experience is bad.
-- E. L. Doctorow
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Those who know how to win are much more numerous than those who know how to make proper use of their victories
-- Polybius
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