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The physical part of comedy is as hard as a lot of action movies. It scares me, but in a way that I like.
-- Rachel McAdams
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I have outlasted all desire,My dreams and I have grown apart;My grief alone is left entire,The gleamings of an empty heart.The storms of ruthless dispensationHave struck my flowery garland numb,I live in lonely desolationAnd wonder when my end will come.Thus on a naked tree-limb, blastedBy tardy winter's whistling chill,A single leaf which has outlastedIts season will be trembling still.
-- Alexander Pushkin
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Less base the fear of death than fear of life.
-- Edward Young
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A man's mind will very gradually refuse to make itself up until it is driven and compelled by emergency.
-- Anthony Trollope
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There's only one way to have a happy marriage and as soon as I learn what it is I'll get married again.
-- Clint Eastwood
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Anything can become a children's book if you give it to a child...Children are actually the best (and worst) audience for literature because they have no patience with pretence.
-- Orson Scott Card
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I was trying to talk about where we are right now as a society, and talk about the fear we all live in, and certainly since 9-11, how it's affected us and the world.
-- Paul Haggis
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It was a lovely morning. We have not had many lovely days. And the sun was just coming through the stained glass windows and falling on some flowers right across the church and it just occurred to me that this was the day I was meant not to see.
-- Margaret Thatcher
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I love the idea of making a movie for kids but it's got to be that, with my take on it.
-- Tarsem Singh
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For a creative writer possession of the truth is less important than emotional sincerity.
-- George Orwell
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