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Religions are different roads converging upon the same point. What does it matter that we take different roads, so long as we reach the same goal? – Mahatma Gandhi
-- Vijayaraj
People complain professional sportsmen are locked away, but when they get out and enjoy themselves, people have a go. – Will Carling
-- Vijayaraj
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Time is a created thing. To say ‘I don’t have time,’ is like saying, ‘I don’t want to. – Lao Tzu
-- Vijayaraj
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Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.
-- Vijayaraj
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Look into your own heart because who looks outside, dreams, but who looks inside awakes.
-- Vijayaraj
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Blessed are they who have the gift of making friends, for it is one of God’s greatest gifts. It involves many things but above all the power of going out of one’s self and appreciating what is noble and loving in another. ~ Thomas Hughes
-- Vijayaraj
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