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Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.
-- Vijayaraj
The difference between school and life: In school, you are taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you are given a test that teaches you a lesson.
-- Vijayaraj
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It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well.
-- Vijayaraj
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Tell your boss what you really think about him, and the truth shall set you free… from your job.
-- Vijayaraj
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In all the years I’ve known you, you haven’t changed. Somehow that makes the world a little brighter. Happy Birthday.
-- Vijayaraj
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It is a great misfortune to be alone, my friends; and it must be believed that solitude can quickly destroy reason. – Jules Verne, The Mysterious Island
-- Vijayaraj
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