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Love is what makes two people sit in the middle of a bench, even if there is…
-- Anonymous
There’s a big difference between falling in love and being in love. There’s a big difference between infatuation and falling in love.
-- Phil McGraw
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When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everyone will respect you.
-- Anonymous
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The love of family and the admiration of friends is much more important than wealth and privilege. – Charles Kuralt
-- Ayshu
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I want a soul mate who can sit me down, shut me up, tell me ten things I don’t already know, and make me laugh. I don’t care what you look like, just turn me on. And if you can do that, I will follow you on bloody stumps through the snow. I will nibble your mukluks with my own teeth. I will do your windows. I will care about your feelings. Just have something in there.
-- Henry Rollins
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Having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the sweetest and most peaceful feelings in the world.
-- Ayshu
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