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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. –
-- Anonymous
Kids have plenty of lessons to teach us. They don’t give up on their dreams just because it takes the time to achieve it. All they have in mind is the simple desire to achieve and the attitude to never give up. They don’t bother about the world watching them. They don’t worry about the mistakes. No matter how many times they fall, they know they should get up soon and try one more time. These are inborn skills of everyone when we were kids.
-- Anonymous
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Beauty is not about having the fairest skin or the prettiest face. It's about having the purest Heart.
-- Anonymous
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Most hardest question: Describe yourself.
-- Anonymous
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The most destructive force in the universe is gossip.
-- Ayshu
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Be thankful for everybody in your life, Good and bad, Past and present, they all made you the person that you are today!!
-- Anonymous
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