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Always do good deeds, pray daily, and lend a helping hand to someone in need, whenever required. –
-- Anonymous
A lot of people think that intersectionality is only about identity. But it’s also about how race and gender are structured in particular workforces. – Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw
-- Anonymous
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We are not against the ending of things; we are only against the ending of good things! 
-- Anonymous
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If there are bases on the moon, that would be the end of the moon as we know it
-- Laurie Anderson
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Patriotism has no appeal to us; justice has. Party does not weight with us; principle has. Loyalty is meaningless; it depends on what one is loyal to. – A. Philip Randolph
-- Anonymous
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An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied. –
-- Anonymous
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