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If you want to be a walking-rose, wear red clothes!
-- Anonymous
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.
-- Anonymous
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Life is beautiful! One day, one hour and one minute, will not come again in your entire life. Avoid fights, angriness and speak lovely to every person. – Dr. A.P.J.Abdulkalam
-- Ayshu
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Be prepared for excuses. Learn to understand the game it plays before it cheats you and move on. By the time you come to know the truth you would have given up on your dream long back.
-- Anonymous
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Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing. – Salvador Dali
-- Salvador Dali
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I just have a relationship with my imagination. It’s like my friend, almost.                          –
-- Steven Wright
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