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True love, to me, is when she’s the first thought that goes through your head when you wake up and the last thought that goes through your head before you go to sleep.
-- Anonymous
Love knows no reason, no boundaries, no distance. It has a sole intension of bringing people together to a time called forever.
-- Vijayaraj
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Alcohol may be man’s worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy.
-- Frank Sinatra
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Real love is knowing someone’s weaknesses and not taking advantage of them.
-- Anonymous
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After a breakup, it takes a couple weeks for the fog to settle, but it’s always a period of self-priority and growth. Life presents you with so many decisions. A lot of times, they’re right in front of your face and they’re really difficult, but we must make them.
-- Brittany Murphy
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Real friends get respected, treated, and loved like family.
-- Ayshu
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