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Dear God, If I hurt others, grant me the strength to apologize. If people hurt me, grant me the strength to forgive.
-- Anonymous
No person is perfect. I haven’t, thank God, had any infidelity issues. But you can’t say what you won’t ever do. And you can’t say that you won’t have forgiveness in your heart if there were to be an issue like that.
-- Tasha Smith
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Dear God, let this be just a bad nightmare.
-- Roy Horn
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When I put my faith in Jesus Christ as my savior, and I asked him to forgive and to come into my life, and He does – from that moment forward I have established a personal relationship with God that I have to develop, you know, through Bible reading and prayer, and living my life for him.
-- Anne Graham Lotz
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Every morning that I wake up and I’m breathing, I can feel it and take a moment to say, you know, ‘Thank God I’m alive for another day.’
-- Ron Cephas Jones
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It’s not as though we can keep burning coal in our power plants. Coal is a finite resource, too. We must find alternatives, and it’s a better idea to find alternatives sooner then wait until we run out of coal, and in the meantime, put God knows how many trillions of tons of CO2 that used to be buried underground into the atmosphere.
-- Elon Musk
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