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Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.
-- Anonymous
When you’re down in the hole, when that moment comes, it’s really okay to feel bad for a little while – give yourself time to mourn what you think you may have lost – but, then, here’s the key: Learn from every mistake.
-- Oprah Winfrey
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I think honesty is the most heroic quality one can aspire to. –
-- Daniel Radcliffe
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A goal defines the purpose of your habit. If you have a goal, you can always remind yourself why you started this journey in the first place.
-- Vijayaraj
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Also, prepare a plan to achieve your goals. This will help you to understand where you should control yourself.
-- Anonymous
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True courage, in the face of almost certain death, is the rarest quality on earth. –
-- Christopher Pike
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