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Not just on this special day, but every day, I love you more than everything. You mean the world to me and you’re the best husband a girl could have. Happy Valentines Day.
-- Anonymous
As we struggle with shopping lists and invitations, compounded by December’s bad weather, it is good to be reminded that there are people in our lives who are worth this aggravation, and people to whom we are worth the same.
-- Anonymous
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Every time I see you, I feel a little flame in my heart that lights up because… I LOVE YOU!
-- Anonymous
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Lucky is the man who is the first love of a woman, but luckier is the woman who is the last love of a man.
-- Anonymous
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A mom’s hug lasts long after she lets go.
-- Anonymous
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Valentine’s Day is when a lot of married men are reminded what a poor shot Cupid really is.
-- Unknown
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