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We deify willpower and self-control – and mock its absence. People who achieve through remarkable willpower are ‘strong’ and ‘heroic.’ People who need help or structure are ‘weak.’ This is crazy – because few of us can accurately gauge or predict our willpower.
-- Anonymous
Through my willpower, I dare do what I want to do.
-- Theron Q. Dumont
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There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must take it because conscience tells him it is right.
-- Anonymous
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I cannot stay home in my comfort zone and hope to change myself through willpower. It requires dedicated action to my goals and will empower me to push through any obstacles.
-- B.W.Robertson
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Once you reach the brink of your will power, you have two options – either give up or keep going. That decision decides whether you’ll reach your goal.
-- Abhijit Naskar
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Will power is human electricity. You have enough of this electricity generated in you to achieve the greatest things in life if you will keep the current on.
-- Anonymous
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