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If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward. –
-- Anonymous
I’m an optimistic guy. I’m one of those big dreamers. I’m one of those kids with that annoying imagination. –
-- Anonymous
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You have just one life to live. It is yours. Own it, claim it, live it, do the best you can with it.
-- Ayshu
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If anyone tries to pull us down, it goes to show that we’re on top of them, so cheer up! Hilarious but true, insecurity reigns in an ugly heart of an empty brain. – Nini
-- Anonymous
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All truths wait in all things. –
-- Walt Whitman
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Insecurity makes us into someone we’re not as a way to cope with someone we used to be. – Maria Goff
-- Anonymous
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