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A fool may buy all the books in the world, and they will be in his library; but he will be able to read only those that he deserves to.
-- Vijayaraj
No rest is worth anything except the rest that is earned.
-- Vijayaraj
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The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it. ~ Michelangelo
-- Vijayaraj
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Listen to your elder’s advice, not because they are always right but because they have more experiences of being wrong.
-- Vijayaraj
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Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion. ~ Muhammad Ali
-- Vijayaraj
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The trees are our lungs, the rivers our circulation, the air our breath, and the earth our body.
-- Vijayaraj
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