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When I die my gravestone is going 2 have a ‘Like’ button.
-- Anonymous
God is for those, who are not for themselves.
-- Anonymous
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Marks and Spencer – The customer is always and completely right!
-- Vijayaraj
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A festival full of sweet memories, A sky full of lights, Mouth full of sweets, And heart full of joy. Wishing you all a Very Happy Diwali
-- Vijayaraj
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A new day has been made for you! You can accomplish what you did not yesterday, and you have opportunities to create better tomorrows.
-- Vijayaraj
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Fitness is a curve. You can be Lance Amstrong, or you can be really out of shape at the opposite end. People enter the curve wherever they are and then they can move the curve, by better nutrition and better exercise.- Gordon Strachan.
-- Anonymous
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