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Relationship status: Committed to inner peace, expansion, gratitude + self love.
-- Anonymous
If you wait for tomorrow, tomorrow comes. If you don’t wait for tomorrow, tomorrow comes.
-- Anonymous
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– Anuj Somany –
-- Anonymous
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Few days back I had a sudden travel commitment for which I need to spend my entire day on travel. Of course this made me mad as it derailed all my plans for the day. But I didn’t give up. I thought what is the advantage of the situation? If I can take my laptop during the travel I can finish off most of my tasks as planned. And, yes I was right. In fact that day I finished off my tasks a lot more earlier as I don’t have any interruption from my kids like I would have had at my home.
-- Anonymous
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You are blessed and highly favored
-- Anonymous
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A ton of regret never makes an ounce of difference.
-- Anonymous
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