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Embrace your inner Orange.
-- Anonymous
I was a late bloomer, but I had a career as a contemporary dancer before that, so I had some kind of connection to this world. But I was always a little more in love with the drama of dancing than the aesthetics, so I thought, ‘Why don’t you give it a chance if you think you can do it a little different?’
-- Mads Mikkelsen
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I have lived pain, and my life can tell: I only deepen the wound of the world when I neglect to give thanks the heavy perfume of wild roses in early July and the song of crickets on summer humid nights and the rivers that run and the stars that rise and the rain that falls and all the good things that a good God gives.
-- Ann Voskamp
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Making music is like shopping for me. Every song is like a new pair of shoes.
-- Rihanna
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All it takes in 1 song to bring back 1000 memories.
-- Anonymous
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I find my happiness where the sun shines.
-- Anonymous
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