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Dear boys, one girl at a time. It’s a relationship not a group meeting.
-- Anonymous
Grandma’s House – Where cousins go to become friends.
-- Vijayaraj
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Respect…is appreciation of the separateness of the other person, of the ways in which he or she is unique. –
-- Annie Gottlieb
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To be a great boss you must be capable of showing respect to those that are in positions below you. –
-- Sonya Parker
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A bad father has never a good son.
-- Anonymous
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We end up in toxic relationships because we don’t stand up for ourselves early on when red flags occur. We let them slide, because we fear losing a companion. How long do you let disrespect and neglect go? At some point you have to develop healthy barriers for how you’re going to be treated; you’re responsible for your experience, nobody else is.
-- Anonymous
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