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Though my heart may be heavy with grief, I will keep my head up and smile about the good things despite tears. Staying strong so that the light within burns bright. –
-- Unknown
Never apologize for having high standards. People who really want to be in your life will rise up to meet them. – Unknown
-- Unknown
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When you’re scared to jump, that is exactly when you jump; otherwise, you’ll end up staying in the same place for the rest of your life.
-- Unknown
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Today I close the door to the past, open the door to the future, take a deep breath, step on through and start a new chapter in my life.
-- Unknown
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Forgiveness is a strange medicine. If you give it to others, it heals the wounds in your heart.
-- Unknown
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Best friend: someone you can only stay mad at for so long because you have important things to talk about.
-- Unknown
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