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My dear wife: If you could see the world as I do, you would realize how much I love you.
-- Anonymous
Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit. –Peter Ustinov
-- Anonymous
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Lucky is the man who is the first love of a woman, but luckier is the woman who is the last love of a man.
-- Anonymous
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Valentine’s Day is when a lot of married men are reminded what a poor shot Cupid really is.
-- Unknown
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You don’t marry someone you can live with – you marry the person who you cannot live without.
-- Anonymous
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Glen had a disability more disfiguring than a burn and more terrifying than cancer. Glen had been born on the day after Christmas. My parents just combine my birthday with Christmas, that’s all, he explained. But we knew this was a lie. Glen’s parents just wrapped a couple of his Christmas presents in birthday-themed wrapping paper, stuck some candles in a supermarket cake, and had a dinner of Christmas leftovers.
-- Anonymous
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