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Make way for the sweetest humiliation when you underestimate their intelligence while overestimating your knowledge. –
-- Criss Jami
Everyone has a sense of humor. If you don’t laugh at jokes, you probably laugh at opinions.
-- Criss Jami
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In essence I find that the foundation of modern conservatism is driven by a clinging to God in fear of the world, whereas the foundation of modern liberalism is a clinging to the world in fear of God; albeit, the true foundation should be one's clinging to God in fear of God.
-- Criss Jami
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The harder you fall, the heavier your heart; the heavier your heart, the stronger you climb; the stronger you climb, the higher your pedestal. –
-- Criss Jami
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To say that one waits a lifetime for his soulmate to come around is a paradox. People eventually get sick of waiting, take a chance on someone, and by the art of commitment become soulmates, which takes a lifetime to perfect.
-- Criss Jami
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Grudges are for those who insist that they are owed something; forgiveness, however, is for those who are substantial enough to move on. –
-- Criss Jami
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