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Friendship is a horizon which expands whenever we approach it
-- Anonymous
In the passage of the Book of John, Chapter 15, Jesus refers to himself as I am and also tells his disciples that he is the true vine. Jesus, the great teacher, has long conversations with people about who he is and what God sent him to do. The Bible includes many teachings for Christians, including lessons about relationships and life.
-- Anonymous
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Friends are like walls, sometimes you lean on them and sometimes it’s good just knowing they’re there. ~ Anonymous
-- Ayshu
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A true friend sees the first tear, catches the second, and stops the third.
-- Anonymous
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Fake friends are like autumn leaves, they’re scattered everywhere.
-- Unknown
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A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked. ~ Bernard Meltzer
-- Ayshu
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