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The only way to have a friend is to be one.
-- Anonymous
Football is unconditional love.
-- Tom Brady
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You make me feel giddy, and I laugh too much around you. Your name brings butterflies to my stomach, and when you walk into a room my heart speeds up. And even just thinking about you makes me smile.
-- Anonymous
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Go on bravely. Do not expect success in a day or a year. Always hold on to the highest. Be steady. Avoid jealousy and selfishness. Be obedient and eternally faithful to the cause of truth, humanity, and your country, and you will move the world.
-- Ayshu
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They say love is blind…and marriage is an institution. Well, I’m not ready for an institution for the blind just yet.
-- Mae West
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Every love song reminds me of you.
-- Ayshu
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