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If all my friends were to jump off a bridge, I wouldn’t jump with them, I’d be at the bottom to catch them.
-- Anonymous
Have a relationship so good that everyone is jealous of it.
-- Anonymous
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Why can’t you just magically pop into my room with me and just cuddle for the rest of the night and kiss my head when I start to fall asleep?
-- Anonymous
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My grandfather was a giant of a man . . . When he walked, the earth shook. When he laughed, the birds fell out of the trees. His eyes were patches of sky. –
-- Eth Clifford
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Mother: someone who will love you unconditionally until her last breath.
-- Ayshu
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You can close your eyes to things you don’t want to see, but you can’t close your heart to things you don’t want to feel.
-- Johnny Depp
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