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Action is the fundamentall key to all success.
-- Anonymous
There are two types of laws: there are just laws and there are unjust laws… What is the difference between the two? … An unjust law is a man-made code that is out of harmony with the moral law.
-- Ayshu
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Hard work most often leads to success, but it’s not every day, and it’s not every week. It will pay off at different times over the course of your career.
-- Sallie Krawcheck
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Writing down the goals here, and making me accountable for it, is the single most reason why I am able to focus on my goals, when my work threw me up off-guard. Also, when I face tough time, it is okay to slip, but what matters most is how quickly I should regain the balance. These are the valuable lessons I learnt this month
-- Anonymous
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Nothing worthwhile comes easily. Work, continuous work and hard work, is the only way to accomplish results that last.
-- Hamilton Holt
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Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work. – Stephen King
-- Anonymous
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