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Don’t pray for an easy life. Pray for the strength to endure a difficult one.
-- Anonymous
Caged birds accept each other but flight is what they long for!!
-- Anonymous
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Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured.
-- Anonymous
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Yes! It’s Friday! So screw this, screw this, and especially screw this. There, all done. Now what to do for the next 7 hours and 58 minutes!
-- Anonymous
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I have prioritized taking care of my mind, having fun, and doing things that make me laugh. And eating well – as in, really good food, like steak or pasta or fresh vegetables or an amazing dessert. You know, ‘treat yourself.’
-- Vijayaraj
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We got spoiled with ‘Friday Night Lights.’ Not every show is like that, and on other shows, if you try to bring that same truth or that same approach, the system of television doesn’t always allow for that level of collaboration, which is unfortunate because the work would be richer.
-- Anonymous
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