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A compromise is an agreement whereby both parties get what neither of them wanted.
-- Anonymous
Don’t be afraid of change; you may end up losing something good, but you will probably end up gaining something better.
-- Ayshu
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Love looks through a telescope; envy, through a microscope.
-- Anonymous
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Music is a mysterious phenomenon – it seems both to magically overwhelm and sublimate our suffering, but also to starkly dignify the struggles of our daily life. –
-- Andrew W.K.
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His whole life was now summed up in two words: absolute uncertainty within an impenetrable fog. –
-- Victor Hugo
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I was in a form of a prison: not necessarily with bars, but I was locked to that machine three days a week, and I couldn’t plan work, I couldn’t plan vacations, I couldn’t plan dinner, I couldn’t plan homework, I couldn’t plan nothing because at the end of the day, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I had to be at dialysis.
-- Grizz Chapman
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