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A man’s country is not a certain area of land, of mountains, rivers, and woods, but it is a principle and patriotism is loyalty to that principle. –
-- Anonymous
The mind should be allowed some relaxation, that it may return to its work all the better for the rest. –
-- Seneca
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All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. – Walt Disney
-- Vijayaraj
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When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.
-- Ralph Ellison
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I would never disrespect any man, woman, chick or child out there. We are all the same. What goes around comes around, and karma kicks us all in the butt at the end of the day.
-- Angie Stone
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Myths give us our sense of personal identity, answering the question, ‘Who am I?’
-- Rollo May
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