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Success is dependent on effort.
-- Anonymous
Success doesn’t come to you, you go to it.
-- Marva Collins
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This is another technique which you can use when you are on the verge of committing the crime…i.e. the moment you are about to give up your self
-- restraint.
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Imagine a yummy piece of cake starting at you from a plate. Your inner voice nudges to eat it. Your mind justifies it. After all, it is just a piece of cake. Nothing will happen to your diet by eating a piece. After all, this is your friend birthday party and you should eat a cake, otherwise, it will be considered as offending your friend.
-- Anonymous
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Well …there are many people who don’t prefer to get up early morning. We all know the number of benefits we attain by waking up early. Still, if you are the people who justify your habit to get up late, then you need to rethink.
-- Anonymous
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Safety is always our number one priority.
-- Anonymous
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