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Marriage is popular because it combines the maximum of temptation with the maximum of opportunity.
-- Anonymous
When I simply say I miss him I really mean I miss his smile. I miss his voice. I miss his laugh. I miss him next to me. I miss him so much that I can feel my heart breaking.
-- Unknown
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If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help someone else.
-- Confucius
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Unconditional love is our birthright, not judgment or condemnation, and there’s nothing we need to do to earn it. This is simply who and what we are.
-- Anita Moorjani
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You have no idea how good it feels to wake up every morning knowing you are mine and I am yours.
-- Anonymous
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Above all, children need our unconditional love, whether they succeed or make mistakes; when life is easy and when life is tough.
-- Barack Obama
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