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Caring for someone is Easy But to Make Someone Care for you is Difficult. So never lose the one who really care for you Heartily.In short don't lose me year..!
-- Anonymous
You can’t say you’re going to jump the Grand Canyon and then jump some other canyon.
-- Evel Knievel
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We are prone to judge success by the index of our salaries or the size of our automobiles rather than by the quality of our service and relationship to mankind.
-- Anonymous
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Your tears are just temporary release of the pain, sorrow and grief; but don’t you worry because God’s going to wipe every tear away!!! – 
-- Nishan Panwar
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In my real life, I see people who are really enjoying their lives – I mean, really enjoying their lives – and they take joy in their daily obligations; they just do. And I believe that at a certain point, you’ve got to choose to be that way. You choose to approach your life that way. Or it’s all kind of a drag until Friday.
-- Holly Hunter
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Have a lovely Sunday! Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.
-- Anonymous
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