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Everything you need to go through hard times is always inside of you. Listen to yourself, and you will stay strong and invulnerable.
-- Unknown
Drug addiction is not a choice of lifestyle, it is a disorder of the brain and we need to recognize this.
-- Unknown
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Struggling is not the identity. You must learn to live while you struggle, such that anyone who sees you can separate the struggle from your life. – Unknown
-- Unknown
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You never realize how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. – Unknown
-- Unknown
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Being physically away from a friend does not mean the friendship is going to be affected , if two people really appreciate each other then nothing and nobody can push them apart.
-- Unknown
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There are 1440 minutes in one day, so taking 5 of those minutes to re-energise will not be the end of the world. –
-- Unknown
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