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One day you’ll be alone and regret not being there. You’ll regret the birthdays and holidays missed. You’ll regret not watching her grow up and being in her life you’ll regret everything and by than it will be too late…
-- Anonymous
If we abandon marriage, we abandon the family.
-- Michael Enzi
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I love you, dad. You will always be the first man in my life and my first love.
-- Anonymous
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I am grateful for all my problems. After each one was overcome, I became stronger and more able to meet those that were still to come. I grew in all my difficulties.
-- Anonymous
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When I tell my kids I’ll do something in a minute, what I’m really saying is, Please forget.
-- Anonymous
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I had a lot of conversations with my family, my close friends, with my pastor, with God, and kind of came to a revelation that maybe I should be honest with myself about who I am and let that person – this woman who has lived inside me for my entire life – finally have an opportunity to live.
-- Caitlyn Jenner
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