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If you are simply lazy to take any action in life, then please get a grip on life and bounce back. Stop this bad habit in the budding stage itself.
-- Anonymous
We can only learn to deal with failure by actually experiencing failure, by living through it. The earlier we face difficulties and drawbacks, the better prepared we are to deal with the inevitable obstacles along our path.
-- Tal Ben-Shahar
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Once you delay your thoughts, now time to think about the consequences. For example, if you chose to eat the cake, you can visualize a bulging body of yours staring back from the mirror. Instead, if you chose to avoid the cake, you can visualize a healthier and fitter you wearing your dream dress.
-- Anonymous
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Everything worthwhile in life is attained through hard work.
-- Dennis Prager
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Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying.
-- W. Clement Stone
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A goal defines the purpose of your habit. If you have a goal, you can always remind yourself why you started this journey in the first place.
-- Vijayaraj
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