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Don’t sit with your dirty clothes and mourn for life. Have you heard the saying –
-- Anonymous
You can’t always get it right, if you fail, and it will happen, accept it, jump back on and try again.
-- Anonymous
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Gaining self-confidence is not a tough task. It only takes a change of mind. After following above I am in a far better situation now. I worked successfully for 10 years on big corporate companies. Now I have taken break and started with my entrepreneurship. I hope this makes it easier for you to start working on your confidence. The trick I followed when I failed in everything above is to wake up next day and try once again. As simple as that.
-- Anonymous
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Quality of life is not only about what you find in the shops; it’s about the landscape.
-- Donald Tusk
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Confidence is beautiful
-- Anonymous
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The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
-- Bertrand Russell
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