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Husbands are the best people to share your secrets with. They’ll never tell anyone because they aren’t even listening.
-- Ayshu
One day before the exam I become the most religious person in this World!
-- Ayshu
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Your body is a weapon and consider it very strong. Consider your mind to be very strong as only with strong mind and body you will be able to cross the ocean of life. Have a strong faith in yourself, your body and mind.
-- Ayshu
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I like rumors – I find out so much about me that I didn’t know but, what makes me laugh the most are the people who will just believe them rather than just ask me.
-- Ayshu
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The pursuit of excellence is less profitable than the pursuit of bigness, but it can be more satisfying. – David Ogilvy
-- Ayshu
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I’d do anything to make you smile.
-- Ayshu
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