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Dear God Thanks for this Beautiful life. And forgive me if sometimes It seems as if I don’t love it enough.
-- Anonymous
When the punk thing came along and I heard my friends saying, I hate these people with the pins in their ears. I said, Thank God, something got their attention.
-- Neil Young
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What brings you closer to God is being in service to others. I think any religion or spiritual way of life will indicate that service to others will lead to a connection with a higher power.
-- Steve-O
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Dear God,I’ve tried my best, but if today I lose my hope.Please tell me that your plans are better than my dreams.
-- Anonymous
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Thank you, God, for this good life and forgive us if we do not love it enough.
-- Garrison Keillor
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To different minds, poetry may present different phases. To me, the reverent faith of the people I lived among, and their faithful everyday living, was poetry; blossoms and trees and blue shies were poetry. God himself was poetry.
-- Lucy Larcom
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