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Acting is different from stand-up. It gives you this ability to enter into another character, to create another person. – Robin Williams
-- Vijayaraj
Your life can only be as beautiful as you repeatedly interpret it to be.-Edmond Mbiaka
-- Vijayaraj
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Nothing hurts more than being ignored, replaced, forgotten, and lied to..
-- Vijayaraj
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A woman’s strength cannot be seen with the naked eye. It can only be felt when times get rough and she is the only one left standing.
-- Vijayaraj
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When ethical lapses occur, they rarely happen in situations when what is right versus what is wrong is clear. They more typically occur when what is morally right is less clear.
-- Vijayaraj
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No amount of chocolates, flowers and gifts can suffice for the amount of love you have showered upon me all these years. Happy Birthday to the coolest and most loving brother around.
-- Vijayaraj
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