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When you feel like quitting think about why you started.
-- Vijayaraj
Life is short, smile while you still have teeth.
-- Vijayaraj
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Morning is a wonderful opportunity to wish, to love, to care, to smile and to see you in good mood.
-- Vijayaraj
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Sometimes β€˜Me’ time is essential to just to sit and take a break from running forever behind life responsibilities. It helps you to recharge your energy. Take this time to simply sit and relax.
-- Vijayaraj
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Everyone is gifted, but some people never open their package.
-- Vijayaraj
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If all else perished, and he remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and he were annihilated, the Universe would turn to a mighty stranger. – Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights
-- Vijayaraj
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