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When emerging from humble beginnings, those around you tend to underestimate your authenticity because they knew you before you were ‘somebody’. –
-- Criss Jami
Make way for the sweetest humiliation when you underestimate their intelligence while overestimating your knowledge. –
-- Criss Jami
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Wisdom is nothing more than confirmed imagination: just because one did not study for his exam does not mean that he should leave it blank.
-- Criss Jami
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It is a noble responsibility to not back down when you know that you know that you know that you are right.
-- Criss Jami
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A man who goes into a restaurant and blatantly disrespects the servers shows a strong discontent with his being. Deep down he knows that restaurant service is the closest thing he will ever experience being served like a king. –
-- Criss Jami
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If a man cannot understand the beauty of life, it is probably because life never understood the beauty in him. –
-- Criss Jami
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