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It is our own mental attitude, which makes the world what it is for us. Our thoughts make things beautiful, our thoughts make things ugly. The whole world is in our own minds. Learn to see things in the proper light.
-- Vijayaraj
Look into your own heart because who looks outside, dreams, but who looks inside awakes.
-- Vijayaraj
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True compassion is more than flinging a coin to the beggar. It comes to see than an edifice which produces beggars needs restructuring.
-- Vijayaraj
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I was going to give him a nasty look, but he already had one.
-- Vijayaraj
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The price of success is hard work, dedication and determination to the endeavor which he loves utmost and wants it to be happened. – Anil Sinha
-- Vijayaraj
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Dear Google, why don’t you sit next to me through my exam?
-- Vijayaraj
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