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I believe that God put us in this jolly world to be happy and enjoy life.
-- Anonymous
God cannot be realized through the intellect. Intellect can lead one to a certain extent and no further. It is a matter of faith and experience derived from that faith.
-- Mahatma Gandhi
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Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness for God the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.
-- Anonymous
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I can very well do without God both in my life and in my painting, but I cannot, suffering as I am, do without something which is greater than I am, which is my life, the power to create.
-- Vincent Van Gogh
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I believe in Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior. I believe that Jesus died for my sins, and rose again, and that’s my belief. I still don’t know what ‘Christian’ means. I’m a follower of Christ, but I keep making a whole bunch of mistakes. And I thank God for forgiveness.
-- Sherri Shepherd
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I am as bad as the worst, but, thank God, I am as good as the best.
-- Walt Whitman
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